Technical Director  Jia LI


Prof Jia Li, Technical Director of UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre; Visiting Professor at the University of Sheffield

Prof Jia Li is currently working as Technical Director at the UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre; she is also a visiting Professor at the University of Sheffield. At the same time, leading a team of experts on the ADB funded project of "Promoting CCS in China(Guangdong)" and involve in a sister project in Shanghai.

Before Prof Li moved to China to work on the multi-technology testing platform and chaired the design work of the first Chinese carbon capture ready coal fired power plant, she worked as Lecturer in CCS at the University of Edinburgh since 2013. Prior to this, she was a lecturer in Low Carbon Energy with the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Science at the University of Exeter. She obtained her PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London and her MSc with Distinction in Process Technology from the Engineering Department at the University of Warwick. Her work is centered around power and industrial plant overall efficiency and capture process design related to CCS, especially on carbon capture ready and capture retrofit.

Prof Li contributed  to the EPSRC funded "Opening new fuels for U.K. Generation", "A compact CO2 capture process to combat industrial emissions", "In-depth Studies of OxyCoal Combustion Processes through Numerical Modelling and 3D Flame Imaging" and “Gas-FACTS: Gas - Future Advanced Capture Technology Options". Her continuous effort on CCS and dedication to capture ready and retrofit has provided strong contributions to her role as Co-I in the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute (GCCSI) - UK FCO project on “Making Guangdong the First Carbon Capture Ready Province in China” in 2010. Her experience on carbon capture ready and retrofit goes back to her original PhD topic and, in 2006, she and other CCS researchers, proposed the UK-China “Chinese Advanced Power Plant Carbon Capture Option (CAPPCCO)” project supported by from DTI/BERR/DECC.

In addition to her capture ready and retrofit research, Prof Li has been appointed as an advisor by the Asian Development Bank on the project entitled “Charting the Way of CCS for South East Asia Countries” to work with international and national teams in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines.