D03 - Apply Mobile Carbon Capture TestUnit to Reduce Technology Risk for Large-scale Capture Pilot

The ARP3 report for the ADB CCS Center for
Excellence (Guangdong) Project RDTA8714-D03

Apply Mobile Carbon Capture TestUnit to Reduce
Technology Risk for Large-scale Capture Pilot

Li WANG, Lihua REN, Jia LI, XiLIANG, Muxin LIU, Zhigang JIA


A mobile carbon capture test unit (MCCT) is designed and being built by the UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre totest two post-combustion carbon capture technologies at different emission sources at bench scale. After the construction, MCCT can be transported to and settled down at the test site for a two year test. Research will be conducted using either the lab-simulated flue gas or the real flue gas from the test siteas inlet flue gas. An amine-based absorption technology and a membrane separation technology are selected to be tested in parallel. MCCT is designed to reduce the technology risk for future carbon capture pilot at large-scale emission sources, such as coal-fired power plant, refinery, steel plant, etc.

MCCT consists of four sections asa flue gas configuration section, a SCR denitration & FGD desulphurisation section, a unique pre-treatment section and a self-designed carbon capture tests ection. The flue gas configuration section is designed for the laboratory data measurement; the denitration& desulphurisation section is designed according to the widely used technologies in power plant and aims to purify the inlet flue gas to meet the national emission standard; the pre-treatment section is designed to further purify the flue gas and to adjust the flue gas temperature to meet the requirements of both amine absorption process and membrane separation process; in the carbon capture section, two post-combustion carbon capture modules are designed in parallel. Two carbon capture technologies will be tested under same flue gas condition to reduce the external influence. The evaluation can be achieved by comparing their capture performance at the test site.

MCCT is designed in the purpose of reducing the technology risk of applying the carbon capture technology at the future capture pilot ofl arge-scale emission sources.