Deputy Chair Andrew MINCHENER![]() Deputy Chair Andrew Minchener, General Manager, IEA Clean Coal Centre Dr Andrew Minchener OBE is both a versatile, successful manager and expert within the industrial energy and environmental sector. He combines an extensive level of strategic, policy/regulatory related and operational management experience with specific expertise in collaborative project management/leadership, contract R&D, technical assistance, policy/institutional/regulatory analysis, techno/socio-economic analysis, training/capacity building, knowledge transfer and international business development. He has over 35 years’ experience in fossil fuel and biomass/waste utilisation, systems development, and energy and environmental consultancy, with particular emphasis on clean coal and CCS issues. He has undertaken numerous overseas assignments including over one hundred and thirty missions to the People’s Republic of China and a further thirty to Eastern Europe. He represented the United Kingdom on the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Experts Committee for Combustion and Gasification Processes (1993-2002) and was a member of Council for the Institute of Energy (1993-2003). He is an International Advisor to the Clean Coal Engineering and Research Centre of the Coal Industry, China Coal Research Institute (CCRI), and Visiting Professor of the South East University, China.
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