Canadian & Chinese cleantech organizations sign agreement to cooperate on development of CCUSVancouver, B.C. -- March 14, 2018 -- An agreement signed today by Canadian company CMC Research Institutes (CMCRI) and the Guangdong CCUS Centre in China marks the start of a collaboration that will accelerate the development of clean technologies in both countries. The Memorandum of Agreement aims to increase collaboration and cooperation between the two organizations as they work to develop carbon capture, utilization and Storage (CCUS) technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in industry. Globally, industrial emissions account for 46% of greenhouse gas emissions and most models forecast an important role for CCUS in reducing emissions and meeting global climate change targets. The objectives of the agreement are to promote joint research and development, advance the commercialization of CCUS, support training and education through workshops and conferences, and encourage the development of joint projects at the Guangdong CCUS Centre and at CMCRI’s Carbon Capture and Conversion Institute in Richmond, B.C. The document was signed at GLOBE 2018 – a leadership summit for sustainable business held every second year in Vancouver. “We are very excited to sign this agreement between CMC Research Institutes and the Guangdong CCUS Centre,” said Sandra Odendahl, President and CEO of CMCRI. “Collaboration between researchers, between companies and between nations is absolutely necessary if we are to reach climate change targets. This document represents an important step toward reaching that global goal.” “Signing the MOU enhanced our communication with CMC Research Institutes, which will definitely contribute to the success of our CCUS project.” Said Dr Xi Liang, the Secretary General of Guangdong CCUS Centre. About CMC Research Institutes CMCRI is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to advancing technologies to reduce carbon emissions in large-scale industry. Moving in the space between bench-scale research and commercialization, CMCRI helps innovators scale-up, de-risk and prove their carbon capture, utilization, storage and emissions monitoring technologies. CMC Research Institutes operates two unique centres, the Carbon Capture and Conversion Institute and the Containment and Monitoring Institute, where it works with an international network of innovators from large and small businesses, government and academia. CMCRI also has world-leading capabilities in methane detection, monitoring and technology verification. About Guangdong CCUS Centre The Guangdong CCUS Centre (GDCCUSC) is the executing institute of UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Industry Promotion and Academic Collaboration Centre, registered in China, which is an open platform to support industrial development, academic cooperation and process design in CCUS, and other near zero emission technologies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. GDCCUSC is leading the development of a one million ton scale Guangdong Offshore Carbon, Capture, Utilization and Storage Project (GOCCUS), through a staged approach, which includes capturing CO2 from a conventional power plant with post-combustion capture, capturing CO2 from other high concentration sources with pre-combustion capture and storing the CO2 in an offshore geological site. |